Ilke Cop: Hardcore / Softspore

Tatjana Pieters, Ghent, BE

Tatjana Pieters is currently showcasing “Hardcore / Softspore,” the compelling second solo exhibition by Belgian artist Ilke Cop. The winner of the Gaverprijs 2024—one of the most important Belgian art prizes—paints a post-apocalyptic vision where traditional narratives of human existence and creative power are profoundly questioned and reimagined in a feast of fungi, nudes, and her characteristic draperies. In short, a must-visit show by arguably one of the most exciting young painters today.

In “Hardcore / Softspore,” Cop crafts a series of dynamic tableaux that merge desolate landscapes with vivid portrayals of the human form, draped lushly and interspersed with oversized, multicolored fungi. Together, these elements challenge classical portrayals of gender roles and artistic creation. The featured works prominently include a female figure who meets the viewer’s gaze with a blend of invincibility and vulnerability, symbolizing the artist herself and reshaping the historical dynamic between artist and muse.

“In one painting, we see the female figure sculpting a male body out of sand. It evokes associations with classical Western stories such as the Biblical creation story or the myth of Pygmalion, where femininity always comes to life thanks to male creative power. Cop’s work reverses this dynamic: what happens when women assume the role of creator? What does this mean for the masculine that ensues? How do different genders relate to each other? The works in this expo create space to let go of inherited frames of mind and rethink relationships.” (Excerpt press release by Sofie Crabbé)

From a painterly perspective, the exhibition departs from Cop’s previous highly controlled style, embracing experimentation with blurred, impressionistic touches that infuse the canvases with life and vibrancy. This methodological evolution supports the exhibition’s themes of transformation and rebirth. The flora and fungi that permeate the landscapes introduce a layer of complex symbolism. The oversized, vibrant mushrooms not only contribute to the visual spectacle but also imply potential for both new life and hidden danger. These elements serve as metaphors for the underground networks essential to ecological health and, possibly, references to the mind-altering effects of psychedelics that break conventional thought patterns.

For more information, please consult Tatjana Pieters’ website here.

Installation view of "Ilke Cop: Hardcore / Softspore" (2024) at Tatjana Pieters Gallery in Ghent, Belgium.
Installation view of "Ilke Cop: Hardcore / Softspore" (2024) at Tatjana Pieters Gallery in Ghent, Belgium.
Installation view of "Ilke Cop: Hardcore / Softspore" (2024) at Tatjana Pieters Gallery in Ghent, Belgium.
Installation view of "Ilke Cop: Hardcore / Softspore" (2024) at Tatjana Pieters Gallery in Ghent, Belgium.
Installation view of "Ilke Cop: Hardcore / Softspore" (2024) at Tatjana Pieters Gallery in Ghent, Belgium.
Installation view of "Ilke Cop: Hardcore / Softspore" (2024) at Tatjana Pieters Gallery in Ghent, Belgium.
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Last Updated on July 2, 2024